Leela’s friend by R K Narayan MCQ

leela's friend by r k narayan mcq

পরীক্ষা প্রস্তুতি : একাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি বিষয়ের একটি অন্যত্তম Short story হল ”Leela’s Friend” by R K Narayan .এই গল্পটিতে Leela  namer akti একটি ৫ বছর বয়সী মেয়ের তাদের বাড়ির কাজের লোক Sidda -র প্রতি গভীর বিশ্বাস এবং বন্ধুত্বের সম্পর্ককে লেখক ফুটিয়ে তুলেছেন। এই গল্পটি আমাদেরকে শিক্ষা দেয়  যে আমাদের সমাজ ব্যবস্থা অপরাধী মানুষদের শোধরানোর সুযোগ দিতে রাজি নয়। একাদশ শ্রেণীর English বিষয়ের ”Leela’s Friend” by R K Narayan  গল্পটি থেকে এইবছর একাদশ শ্রেণীর Annual Examination -এ আসতে  পারে এইরকম কিছু গুরুত্বপূর্ণ  Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) আলোচনা করা হল -Leela’s friend by R K Narayan MCQ

mcq on Leela’s friend by R K Narayan

Leela’s friend by R K Narayan MCQ – এখানে প্রতিটি প্রশ্নের চারটি করে অপশন আছে ,সেগুলির মধ্যে সঠিক উত্তরটি প্রথমে নিজে অনুমান কর। তারপর নিচের Show Ans : অপশনটিতে ক্লিক করে Correct Answer: অপশন টি থেকে সঠিক উত্তরটি মিলিয়ে নাও।

1)Leela held a class for Sidda at

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Correct Answer: [C]dusk  

2)According to Sidda ,one can touch the standing on a – 
[A]mango tree
[B]palm tree
[C]coconut tree
[D]tamarind tree

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Correct Answer:[C]coconut tree

3)Leela stood in the front garden with a _____ball in her hand 

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Correct Answer:[A]red

4)Leela was- 
[A]six years old  
[B]five years old 
[C]seven years old 
[D]eight years old 

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Correct Answer:[B]five years old 

5)Sidda’s previous master lived in a – 

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Correct Answer:[A]bunglow 

6)Leela knew – 
[A]the whole alphabet 
[B]two or three letters 
[C]five or six letters 
[D]ten or twelve letters

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Correct Answer:[B]two or three letters 

7)Leela could draw a kind of –
[A]cat and dog 
[B]cat and crow 
[C]cat and goat 
[D]goat and rabbit 

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Correct Answer:[B]cat and crow 

8)Near the bed Sidda , was ready with – 
[A]drinkig water 
[B]a story 
[C]mosquito net 
[D]a lullaby

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Correct Answer:[B]a story 

9)One evening Leela went with Sidda to – 
[A]buy sugar 
[B]buy salt 
[C]play cricket 
[D]dance class 

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Correct Answer:[A]buy sugar 

10)With a glance at Sidda , Leela’s mother thought that the fellow looked already – 

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Correct Answer:[D]queer 

11)Mr. Sivasanker came home –  
[A]two hours later 
[B]one and a half hours later 
[C]an hour later 
[D]half an hour and made a complain

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Correct Answer:[D]half an hour and made a complain

12)After the meal Leela refused to –  
[D]go to bed 

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Correct Answer:[D]go to bed 

13)Thought of Sidda made Mrs. Sivasanker –  

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Correct Answer:[D]panicy

14)Leela asked her mother to tell her a story of –
[A]the horse 
[B]the cat 
[C]the crow
[D]the elephant 

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Correct Answer:[D]the elephant 

15)Mr. Sivasnker said that Sidda had been in jail –  
[C]half a dozen times 
[D]a dozen times

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Correct Answer:[C]half a dozen times 

16)The police knew Sidda’s 

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Correct Answer:[B]hunts

17)A police inspector and a constable brought in Sidda after –  
[A]one day 
[B]two days 
[C]three days 
[D]four days 

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Correct Answer:[D]four days 

18)A few days later Leela’s mother put her hand into the –  
[A]pot of sugar 
[B]salt container 
[C]tamarind pot 
[D]water pot 

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Correct Answer:[C]tamarind pot 

19)Leela said she did not like her mother because – 
[A]she always abused and worried Leela 
[B]she always loves Sidda
[C]she always abused Leela
[D]None of these 

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Correct Answer:[A]she always abused and worried Leela 

20)”Leela keenly examined the ball for ______ of the moon “(Fill in the blanks)
[A]the soil 
[C]the watery substance 
[D]None of the above 

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Correct Answer:[B]traces 

21)Sidda’s former employer who was a doctor had his house –
[A]in the market 
[B]near the market 
[C]beneath the market 
[D]away from the market 

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Correct Answer:[B]near the market 

22)The story “Leela’s friend” is written by –
[A]Khuswant Singh 
[B]R K Narayan 
[C]O. Henry 
[D]Nandalal Bose

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Correct Answer:[B]R K Narayan 

23)The story ”Leela’s Friend” is taken from –
[A]The Guide 
[B]Mulgudi Days 
[C]Swami and Friends 
[D]None of the above 

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Correct Answer:[B]Mulgudi Days 

24)Sivasanker met Sidda for the first time –  
[A]the doctor’s chamber 
[B]the doctor’s bunglow
[C]the gate of his house 
[D]the market 

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Correct Answer:[C]the gate of his house 

25)Mr. Sivasanker’s first impression of Sidda was that-
[A]Sidda was untidy 
[B]Sidda was a thief 
[C]Sidda was not a bad fellow 
[D]Sidda was a criminal 

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Correct Answer:[C]Sidda was not a bad fellow 

26)”At any rate the fellow looks tidy” – here “The fellow” refers to 
[C]Mr. Sivasankar
[D]Nrs. Sivasankar

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Correct Answer:[A]Sidda 

27)”Now this has touched the moon”- here “this ” refers to
[A]the gold chain 
[B]the red ball 
[C]the volleyball 
[D]the white ball 

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Correct Answer:[B]the red ball 

28)In Sivasanker’s house Sidda was given – 
[A]two meals a day 
[B]two rupees a month 
[C]two meals a month and two rupees a month 
[D]two meals a day and four rupees a month 

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Correct Answer:[D]two meals a day and four rupees a month 

29)Sidda slept – 
[A]inside the house 
[B]in the dining room 
[C] outside the house 
[D]in the bedroom 

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Correct Answer:[C]out side the house 

30)Sidda was taken back to the police station – 
[A]one hour later 
[B]half an hour later 
[C]two hours later 
[D]three hours later 

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Correct Answer:[B]half an hour later 

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